On December 11, 2020, SOIK organized a seminar for health professionals, co-sponsored by the Program National de Santé de la Reproduction (PNSR) of the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was an opportunity to report the results of the training provided under the project for promoting the international expansion of medical technology conducted with the financial support of the Ministry of Health of Japan, and to introduce medical devices Japanese laptops that should be used in Africa.

A midwife who participated in the training spoke live about the training program, technology and equipment.

Dr. Kodaira presented the activities of the IGPC and presented his experiences in other countries such as Sierra Leone.

The director of the National Reproductive Health Program (PNSR) of the Ministry of Health, who co-sponsored the seminar, underlined the importance of this technology and the development of training / human resources.

Japanese IOT/wearable medical devices were exhibited at the booth. Local medical staff showed great interest.
You can view local media articles from here.