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Sélectionné par << Subvention J-Partnership>>

SOIK a proposé "Un projet de démonstration SPAQ, une plateforme de transformation numérique pour la santé maternelle et infantile qui relie les petits établissements de santé en Afrique" en République démocratique du Congo et le projet a été adopté par J-Partnership.

Le J-Partnership est expliqué comme suit en anglais.

This project will be implemented under the name of "Subsidy for J-Partnership Product/Service Development Support Project" as part of the "Subsidy for Technology Cooperation and Emerging Market Development Project (International Joint Development Project for Solving Social Issues (Product/Service Development Support Project))" for the year 2022 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

We recruit business plans publicly that will lead to solutions to social issues in emerging and developing countries including African countries. Subsidies will be granted for the selected companies to fund the projects including development, implementation and evaluation of the products and services.

The project of “Joint Development Project for Solving Social Issues” is implemented under the name of “J-Partnership”.


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